Monday, December 12, 2016

Learn Photoshop from home

You can design friendship day greetings from your home  PC and send it to your friends.

You can create Good morning messages for your relatives  & friends..

You can design new year , diwali, pongal greetings using photoshop..

You can design you facebook, whatapp profile picture using photoshop..

Also you can design name board images, advertisement banner,   etc.

To Learn Photoshop , c, c++ from home thru online...
Visit the page
There i posted lot of images designed using  Photoshop, ImageReady .

Friday, February 26, 2016

Learn C from home

Learn c language well and get your dream job...
To learn "c" from home thru online

C Questions with Answers:
1. The Case keyword is followed by?
A. Float values
B. Character values
C. Integer values
D. Both b&c
Ans: You know that “case” keyword is used in switch statement for multiple branching.
In that we can use integer and character values.Float values are not allowed.
case 1:
case ‘a’:
like this..
So the answer i D. (Both b &c).(i.e Character & Integer values).

2. How to make an infinity loop in C?
Write a code like this in a c pgm.
goto loop
If we didn’t give any conditional statement to terminate an loop, it will go it? so the above coding is the ans.

Write the o/p.
#define SQR(x) x * x

printf("%d", 225/SQR(15));
a. 1
b. 225
c. 15
d. none of the above

Here you can rewrite the code as 225/15 *15.
 15 * 15 =225 it is the ans.

int i = 0xff ;
printf("%d", i<<2);

a. 4
b. 512
c. 1020
d. 1024

Here the left shift operator causes all the bits in the first operand to be shifted to the left by the number of positions indicated by the second operand.(here i=>1st operand, 2 => 2nd operand). Here the bits are represented..(4 bit for 1 digit..i.e f => 1 1 1 1)
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
When shited leftwise(2 times).

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0

this can be represented by
3 15 12 is it.. i.e in hexadecimal form 3fc.
convert to decimal form..
3 * 16**2 + 15 * 16**1+12 *16**0 = 1020 this is the answer.(Ans.C)