Saturday, March 27, 2010

Bugs in Database Pgm

If u are using a database(oracle, sql,…) in a front end tool, and if u are unable to get results from the database,

1. check whether the path of the database is correctly provided in the procedure.

2. Also Check whether the server is running otherwise start the service.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Revert in Photoshop, IR

We can abandon all changes and display the most recently saved version using the option ‘Revert’ in the foll softwares..

* PageMaker
* CorelDraw
* Photoshop
* ImageReady

File-> Revert.

C language - Tips

1. To know the usage of a function (or keyword):-

Type the word in C Editor , then press CTRL +F1

2. To learn C Graphics, u can run the graphics pgm( available in c ‘EXAMPLE’ directory.

Open the file ‘bgidemo.c’

Copy it . (using ‘write to’ option)

In the ‘initgraph()’ function include the graphics path
Then compile & run.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Torn paper edge effect in Photoshop

Torn paper edge effect in Photoshop

1. Open the image in PS.

2. Select the area to be torn with polygonal Lasso tool(L).

3. Filter =>Distort => Ripples (Select Amount: 100%, Size : Medium) =>Ok

You can tear off this image at the edge also..

Monday, March 15, 2010

Browser tips

Printing all linked documents:
In Internet Explorer:
File-> Print -> Options(tab) -> Print all linked documents.

Turn off underlines in web page link:
In I.E,
Tools menu -> Internet Options ->Advanced(tab) ->undeline link=>Never

To turn off graphics to display all web pages faster:
Tools-> Internet options -> Advanced -> In the ‘mutimedia’ clear one or more of the ‘show picture’, ‘play animation’, ‘play videos’, ‘play sounds’ check boxes.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Powerpoint tips

To print a powerpoint file without opening it:

In “RUN” command window type,
powerpnt.exe/p verses.ppt
(Include full path of file)

Friday, March 12, 2010

General Shortcut Keys

To select(or deselet) a checkbox or radiobutton:

To view items in a dropdown list:
ALT + (Down arrow)

To minimize a (opened)window:
Win + M

To maximize a window:
Win + Shift + M

To select buttons in Taskbar:
Win + Tab

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Colorful Backgrounds – Photoshop

We can create colorful backgrounds using ‘Render’ option in Filter menu.
1. we can apply this to the Background of the file , or to any layer.
2. Select diff background, foreground colors
3. Select Paintbucket tool.
4. Select Filter ->Render -> Difference clouds.

‘Rotate canvas’ in Photoshop

‘Rotate canvas’ in Photoshop :
We can create the above files using ‘Rotate Canvas’ option.
1. First Create and Save the file.
2. Then choose Image -> Rotate canvas -> Filp Canvas Horizontal -> save(save for web).

Monday, March 8, 2010

Photoshop tips

Photoshop tips:

1. when we create logo’s in pshop, we can change the appearance of the objects(here for the butterfly) we placed in the file using the option Layer(Menu)- > Style(option)
2. Here the ‘music notes symbol’ are drawn using ‘shape’ control
3. the glowing appearance around ths’star’ is given using styles palette.(Window menu -> styles)

If u don’t want the logo in rectangular shape, u can choose transparent option when u take new file.

General software tips

To open the following softwares from RUN command,
1.Type ‘moviemk’ – to open ‘Windows Movie Maker’
2.Type ‘imageready’ – to open ‘Adobe Imageready’

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Debugging in VB

Error: Type mismatch

Check the data-type of each field.

Error: Method not found.

Check the controls in the form.

couldn't accept to add data in table.(during database creation)

De-activate the snapshot button.
Activate the dynaset button